Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mac :)

I have been watching the news on the book deal and such, yet I am stuck
again does writing a book automatically cast doubt on a person? I never
thought it did and I can't help but wonder why it suddenly does now? Do
all authors have credibility problems? That's something new to me.

Ms. Steele has said she lied about her knowledge, I don't know or find
anything saying Kathleen lied yet. the only person I am convinced lied
was Bennet, and Steele. 

The question now is if he did this why did she continue a friendship? Or
write letters? Let me ask anyone think seriously there has been sexual
harassment for years, are you seriously saying if someone is harassed
they should immediately quit their job? In the real world that doesn't
happen, people try to work through the problem and go on. Hopefully the
one incident won't happen again. It looks like it didn't in this case.
You don't forget it happened but you don't dwell on it either. You just
move on. She did, he did. 

Again I did not see her as distraught in the interview, I saw her as
surprised that someone she considered a friend doing something she
wouldn't expect from someone in his position. You just don't expect the
President of the US to act like a dog in heat.

moonshine wrote:
> moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mornin' Kathy,
>     According to an avadavit signed by her friend Ms. Steele she did lie. So someone
> is lying here. Ms. Willey, IMO, was following a script that apppears to be a little 
>to cozy with
> the Paula Jones allegations. He distraught appearence was a little much considering 
>the length
> of time since this alledged encounter. Her own letters have suggested a warm and 
> relationship with the president. She may have fought giving her depo but
> she was more than willing to state her case to the public without being asked the 
> questions. Then we have the financial concerns. She is deeply in dept and since the 
> didn't give her an ambassadorship her book deal should help with the bills.
> Her story makes for great headlines but when put under the microscope it doesn't 
>hold up.
>    Her own actions and words have undermined her credibility and I don't think she
> realized that those letters were kept. If she did, I think, we would've heard 
>something about
> them during her interview.
> ...Mac
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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