In my program (for Windows) I display log information in a TListBox.
But that has some severe drawbacks/bugs:

1.) If one of the displayed strings exceeds the right margin there is no 
horizontal slider to shift the text to the right so the user can see the 
invisible text.

2.) If the number of rows exceeds the height of the TListBox window there is a 
vertical slider to move up and down. But for certain widget-sets (recently 
applied to our workstations at work) this slider is not displayed. Instead, 
some remnant from previously displayed text appears in the place where the 
slider should be (if you guess where the slider is, it still works but it looks 
ugly and is awkward).

So I decided to switch to TStringGrid (with one column). This *has* a slider in 
case the right margin is exceeded. It is also much more flexible as I can add 
columns easily if needed. But now I still cannot move the (one and only) column 
to make text on the right visible, even though the slider is there! Is that a 
bug too?

I am stuck again. How can I make long (wide) text visible in a restricted 

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