On 24/04/13 6:19, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

Am 2013-04-23 19:11, schrieb Howard Page-Clark:
On 23/04/13 5:20, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

I am stuck again. How can I make long (wide) text visible in a
restricted window?

Use a TMemo, and set its ScrollBars property to ssAutoBoth?

Still I am wondering why nobody seems to miss a horizontal shift for
TListBox and TStringGrid (especially because a slider is shown for
TStringGrid but does not work). Are these bugs which nobody discovered
since years? I can't believe it.

TListBox is based on the underlying OS widget for each platform, and offers the common features of the supported widgetsets (any restrictions are noted on the Restricted page of the Object Inspector). Lack of a widgetset feature is simply that: a missing feature in the widgetset. It is not a Lazarus bug. Another alternative to provide scrolling for components that do not have it built-in, is to place the component on a scrolling container which is what TScrollBox (Additional page of the component palette) is designed for.

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