Am 2013-04-23 19:11, schrieb Howard Page-Clark:
On 23/04/13 5:20, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

I am stuck again. How can I make long (wide) text visible in a
restricted window?

Use a TMemo, and set its ScrollBars property to ssAutoBoth?

Okay, yet another approach. I will try it. Thanks.
Though each change of object type requires me to apply all the anchor settings 
of all visible objects in the form again, because most of them are anchored to 
the list. Quite a lot of work.

Still I am wondering why nobody seems to miss a horizontal shift for TListBox 
and TStringGrid (especially because a slider is shown for TStringGrid but does 
not work). Are these bugs which nobody discovered since years? I can't believe 

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