2015-12-26 20:37 keltezéssel, Howard Page-Clark írta:
> I was waiting for more feedback about the design/functionality, and for
> responses to settle into some sort of consensus about what needs to be
> changed/improved/removed. 
> The resourcestrings, for instance, need the attention Peter
> indicated, plus more.

Please use complete sentences as much as possible and avoid storing of
partial sentences in resourcestrings.
I mean don't compose complete sentences in run/compile time from words
or partial sentences. Such resourcestrings makes localization harder or
completely impossible in languages that have different grammar: word
order, system of prefixes/suffixes, agglutination, inflection, and other
things that I can't imagine.

An example of how NOT to fragment sentences:

msgid "<no shortcut conflicts%s"
msgid " remain>"
msgid " to resolve>"

Also fragments can have different meaning and translations depending on
that they are used combined or not.

Péter Gábor

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