On 12/01/2016 13:44, Péter Gábor wrote:
Please use complete sentences as much as possible and avoid storing > of partial sentences in resourcestrings. I mean don't compose >
complete sentences in run/compile time from words or partial > sentences. Such resourcestrings makes localization harder or > completely impossible in languages that have different grammar: word > order, system of prefixes/suffixes, agglutination, inflection, and > other things that I can't imagine. > An example of how NOT to fragment sentences: msgid "<no shortcut > conflicts%s" msgid " remain>" msgid " to resolve>" Also fragments can > have different meaning and translations depending on that they are > used combined or not.

OK, point taken. I will amend the offending resourcestrings in a patch.
I'm not a linguist nor a translator, so did not appreciate that this would cause difficulty. My motive was simply to reduce the overall number of resourcestrings required by reuse of phrase "atoms", which I see now works satisfactorily only if a single language is ever employed.

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