On 14/01/2016 23:27, Maxim Ganetsky wrote:
String "composing" is still present e. g. in "Insert from template" dialog ("Choose template to ..." groupbox caption) and in main menu creation form in "add menu item" fields captions.

Also lismenueditororclickheadertosortbythatcolumn string looks suspicious from this POV.

As for lismenueditormoveseparatedeleteinsertitems: you shouldn't try to align text with buttons this way. It won't work with other than Windows' fonts/font sizes (e.g. on Linux) and other languages. Better change this string to regular caption like "Menu Item actions".

Also I noticed that e. g. "Insert from template" dialog is not resizable. It is better to have resizable dialogs in order to fit longer translation captions (e. g. combobox caption in this case).

I have submitted a patch (29411) which I hope addresses these issues, except for the issue: 'String "composing" is still present ... in main menu creation form in "add menu item" fields captions'

I am not clear about which string(s) you are identifying here. Can you give a specific line number in the source that exemplifies the problem you see?


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