Hi Felipe

The question is whether I can dump all other software like Php or pyhton and just use lazarus/Fpc and some amount of C (since most system softwares are written in C) for all my coding, be it web based or native?

One problem when being an employee is that the boss wants things fast. For whipping up web based programs, PHP good. Nevethless its a scripting language. It must surely have its weakness. I use PHp for generating reports for my bosses. But for the end user I use Dellphi and now lazarus.

Some reference was there about porting Wt widgets to lazarus for working with Ajax. Will there be a unification of web and native code development in the near future?

Plz give me pointers.



Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On 10/17/06, Nataraj S Narayan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why is it that every body and anything got a Dot Net version?

Even Borland's got a dot net enabled Delphi  coming it seems.

Some say that Microsoft got Dot net idea from Delphi.

Almost true. They hired the best delphi developers to write not net.

In Linux there is a mono project. What could the advantages be ?

For whom?

What happened is that Java was the previous hype, and Microsoft got
really jelous (how come Sun is making all that money and getting so
much attention???). And then Microsoft created their own Java! Of
course they twisted it a little so it could only run on Windows. It
was called J++

Then Sun sued microsoft, in a agreement MS was prohibited to ever
again release Java development tools.

So, MS created it´s own Java. A Twisted Java. Even invented a new
language that is just a copy of java, called c#. Created another
bytecode. Added a infinite number of extensions that tie it deeply to
Windows. .NET 3.0 will come with a forms engine that is deeply tied to
DirectX (Ha!! Just wanne see mono guys explaining why they can´t copy
that, or why their copy has ridiculous performance because they can´t
use DirectX). And each version of .NET reinvents everything, and makes
everything that ever existed obsolete.

.NET is a non-portable copy of Java.

Now, don´t ask me why most people buy that horrible idea!! There is
probably a good psychological explanation.

And so I say dot net has great advantages! For Microsoft it´s very
good. In allowed them to squash many competitors, sell many Visual
Studios. Effectively as they command the platform, without any need of
backwards compatibility, they can just forever fire at competitors and
prevent them from moving forward:


If you are too busy keeping up with latest .net technology, you are
not creating your own technology.

Is it for collaborative development?

No, this is the job for versioning systems, like cvs and subversion,
that can be utilized by any code.

Where  does all this leave Lazarus/Fpc?

Generating software that is 15 times faster and uses 15 times less
memory then .NET apps:


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