On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 04:57:57PM +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> 3. ASP.NET ties you to the Windows IIS server.  Apache is still the most 
> used webserver, PHP the most used web scripting language.

While true, at least IMHO the forms based ASP.NET 2.0 model (which is _very_
close to the VCL model) is vastly superiour over the template based PHP/CGI
and ASP.NET 1.1 models, and with a _real_ language, instead of a scripting
one, so with decent errorhandling etc and with a magnitude of performance
between PHP and Delphi.

Also the webserver can better schedule/terminate/clone the interpreter with
a managed language. (back to the corba days)

> So where is the advantage ? It's all a lot of marketing talk. 
> Under the hood, there is nothing new or even innovative...

I like ASP.NET. Also the gigantic size of the .NET API's, and also a bit the
vastly expanded methods of databinding. However only in combination with
ASP.NET you could convince me that that is something that might be better
than what I/we already have. And then only on Windows, the whole
multiplatform angle is IMHO bogus.

Of course, in my current job with 40-80MB/s of image data to analyse in our
heaviest application, .NET might be a bridge to far :-)

> The point is that .NET adds nothing new or inherently better.
> It's old recipes in a new marketing jacket.

I agree technically it doesn't. But it does have some best of breed
properties, aside from portability. But you have to like the breed....

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