On Monday 30 October 2006 10:58, Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> johnf schrieb:
> >> Python is nice OOP language
> >>
> >> Can you name apps? Afaik it is mostly used for a bit of in application
> >> scripting and some webapps. But is it really a Delphi replacement? I
> >> doubt it. What does it use for GUI btw?
> >
> > I assume you are not kidding about the apps.  IMHO smart (a package
> > updater written in python) save the recent release of SUSE 10.1 since no
> > one could get Yast to work properly.  I'd guess there are thousands of
> > app's both for GUI and the web. It is my understanding that many of the
> > KDE 4 apps will be written in Python.  Python uses wxPython (wxWidgets)
> > and pyQT (QT) for all the platforms.
> If it made anysense to write another wrapper to wxWidgets, it would be
> no problem to write an fpc wrapper for wxWidgets. Something similiar to
> pyQT is already available, so what?
> > So in one sense Python's GUI is more up today than Lazarus's
> > GTK1.  As a replacement Python only lacks a complete IDE.  I would think
> > the Python community would argue that an IDE is a tool not needed.  I of
> > course disagree.  The only thing Python lacks is a proper compiler in all
> > other points it is a very close match (as I think many other OOP lang's
> > would be).
> Well, there is a "little" problem with python:
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=fpascal&l

If writting a wrapper was easy why haven't we got a completed QT interface?  
Why does the GTK2 have so many bugs?  

With regard to the speed of Python.  I truly wonder if today we have to be 
concerned with performance since most of the time is spent in the GUI.  Like 
FPC 'c' can be used to improve any specially slow routines in python.  BTW 
the link suggest that Python won a few of the test.  I find this fact to be 
strange considering FPC is compiled.

I like FPC and Lazarus.  But to suggest that Python is not an equal I believe 
is miss leading and not taking the facts in consideration.  BTW most of what 
I have said also applies to Ruby.


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