Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
Yes, please read the wiki. Lazarus Packages are a lot more that just
for installing components. It's *not* the same thing as Delphi
Packages.  I personally think Lazarus Packages are one of the hottest
features in Lazarus! It's simply brilliant.
Maybe it is too brilliant for me......

'fppkg' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\lazarus>cd fpc\2.0.4\bin\i386-win32

The FPC make tool encountered the following error: Missing configuration Makefil
e.fpc or fpmake.pp

from the wiki...


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See also FPMake.

Output of fppkg -h

Generating default global configuration in "c:\fpc\2.3.1\bin\i386-win32\fppkg.cfg"
Usage: c:\fpc\2.3.1\bin\i386-win32\fppkg.exe [options] <action> <package>
  -c --config        Set compiler configuration to use
  -h --help          This help
  -v --verbose       Set verbosity
  update             Update packages list
  avail              List available packages
  build              Build package
  install            Install package
  download           Download package

  convertmk          Convert Makefile.fpc to fpmake.pp
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