On 07/11/2007, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Of course not at once.

OK.  ;-)

> That's why I'm asking what you and any other user want to do with list.
> What is the goal?

OK, so here is my wish list which should make it useful for me.

* Search the current open projects source, including .inc files
   for ToDo, TODO, #todo tags. It must support multiple tag formats
   and maybe have a developer pick their preferred format (see later why)
* Support a category tag. Can't remember how Delphi specified this.
   It was something like the following:
        { TODO:  Fix year-end calculation.  -c Accounting }
* Support a priority tag (1-9): eg:   { #todo This must be fixed urgently.  -1 }
* Show them in a list.
* List must be sortable by: Unit name, Description, Category and Priority
* Double clicking a item must close the Todo list window and take you to
   the location in the source unit.
* ToDo items must be editable from the todo list screen. A simple little
   edit dialog for entering a optional category, optional priority and
* A nice to have (though not urgent and not even sure if needed) would
   be to have some editor keyboard shortcut to bring up a todo list edit
   item dialog.  So while you are coding and want to insert a item
   press the shortcut; fill in the details and press enter to close. The
   source code would then have the item inserted in the correct format,
   using the developers preferred todo tag format.

  - Graeme -

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