> On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 08:41:52AM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > It would appear from discussion here and a search that proconfig was
> > folded into 2.4;

> I couldn't find it in menuconfig, nor by a recursive, case
> insensitive grep for 'proconfig' in my 2.4.2 tree.

George Metz said:

> Perfect example is a feature I found while compiling a 2.4.2 kernel for my
> SuSE server last night. It's an option that I don't ever recall seeing in
> any of the kernels, that stores the kernel's configuration in the kernel
> image itself - at a cost of 1-4k of size - so that you can fairly quickly
> rebuild a kernel just based on the config that the running kernel has.

Maybe George can tell.

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