On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 09:03:15PM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> > > It would appear from discussion here and a search that proconfig was
> > > folded into 2.4; in any case, the most recent versions at the web site
> > > are:
> >
> > I couldn't find it in menuconfig, nor by a recursive, case
> > insensitive grep for 'proconfig' in my 2.4.2 tree.
> That would be because you're running Slack, not SuSE. And at any rate,

Well, if you look at the top quote, the suggestion was that it
has been folded into the main kernel tree; and I don't use
slack-provided kernels, I download plain kernels from
kernel.org...not that I think slack patches their kernels
anyhow. ;)

> SuSE calls it config.gz, so a search for proconfig might not turn anything
> up.

If it was part of the main kernel tree, I'd expect to find it
inside an uncompressed ASCII text file..

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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