Mike Noyes wrote:
> David Douthitt, 2001-03-30 09:09 -0600
> >Mike Noyes wrote:
> >
> > > David,
> > > It looks like you have an oxygen tree that's almost ready for import
> > > into CVS. I can add binary wrappers for .o and tar.gz. This should
> > > allow you to import your src tree as oxygen. Did I miss anything? Is
> > > this something you'd like to do?
> >
> >If you like.  I'm not sure what you mean by "binary wrappers for .o
> >and tar.gz" ...?  If you are speaking of binaries, there is also the
> >binary packages, the "on-the-fly" created *.html, *.man, and whatever
> >other results of compiling there may be.
> David,
> I'm talking about an import of the src tree from the CD into CVS. Are you
> talking about importing the compiled output, or am I confused again?

Let me see if I understand this right:

* What I have now is "working directories" which include multiple
versions as well as compiled binaries.
* CVS would be source files only (with diffs and docs included)

Is that right?  Then presumably the best thing to do would to get the
*.tar.gz file, the diffs, and then extract the tar.gz file, apply
necessary diffs, and let that sit (without the *.tar.gz) for CVS.

Two things:

* I never created *.diff files for makefile only changes - such as
static libraries, and gcc options like -O2 -s -g
* I almost never added -s, leaving that to a "strip" done later.

Sounds like a time for a cleanup; I've also done a lot of new

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