George Metz, 2001-04-21 21:34 -0400
>On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, Mike Noyes wrote:
> > That's huge. How big is minix? We can subtract the minix size from the
> > ext2 total. Is that correct, or am I out in left field still?
>Not sure what you mean. If you mean from kernel size for the total size
>change, then yes.


> > fat + minix = ?
> > fat + vfat + minix = ?
> > ext2 = 51K
>In 2.4.3 we have:
>-rw-r--r--   1 wolfstar root        46474 Apr 11 03:05 ext2.o
>-rw-r--r--   1 wolfstar root        15915 Apr 11 03:05 vfat.o
>In 2.2.18, we have:
>-rw-r--r--   1 wolfstar root        54013 Dec 16 02:55 ext2.o
>-rw-r--r--   1 wolfstar root        15458 Dec 16 02:55 vfat.o
>Of necessity, I compile DOS FAT and Minix into the kernel so as to avoid
>any messy situations.

So if FAT+Minix support is approximately 30K, there is no difference in 
size. What potential problems are caused by using ext2 on 
floppies/ramdisks? Do vfat formatted floppies have a greater amount of 
writable area than ext2 formatted ones? Does Linux handle ext2 ramdisks 
more efficiently than minix ones?

George, Jeff, & Jack,
Thanks for taking the time to educate me. :)


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