On Sat, 21 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I think the concept is to raise the bar by putting vfat into the
> kernel. If vfat doesn't depend on the msdos code, then omit msdos
> to reduce size and risk of manipulating vfat filenames as msdos
> filenames (which can strand LFN data in the FAT).

What about practically? For all technical purposes, we're using VFAT
already - at least, *I* don't know anyone still using MS-DOS and Win3.x -
so we might as well use the VFAT stuff instead of MSDOS and skip the 8.3
format. Technically we're using the wrong thing anyways. =)

Also, no, vfat.o doesn't depend on msdos.o in any way; there's FAT hooks
in the kernel that both of them rely on instead.

George Metz
Commercial Routing Engineer

"We know what deterrence was with 'mutually assured destruction' during
the Cold War. But what is deterrence in information warfare?" -- Brigadier
General Douglas Richardson, USAF, Commander - Space Warfare Center

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