On Wed, 16 May 2001, David Douthitt wrote:

> I must say.... I've been surprised at all the excitement over Linux
> 2.4.  I've noticed that all of you kernel wizards are scrambling to
> get Linux 2.4 installed on LRP, while glibc 2.1 gets ignored.
> To me, Linux 2.4 offers only this:
> * Stateful firewalling
> We don't see question after question on the LRP list asking about
> stateful firewalling, nor are people banging down the doors looking
> for 2.4.
> Howver, we DO see constant questions about "Why do I get a SegFault in
> this app from my full distribution?" and we have a FAQ for it.  The
> answer, of course, is "You don't have glibc 2.1 installed."
> I hope no one thinks I'm criticizing - I just find that all the people
> I respect are doing this and I don't know why - so I thought I'd ask.

For me, it's basically the fact that I'm silently still pissed off with
the mess I, as a developer, get when dealing with different glibc
versions. No matter what glibc I use on my development system, at the end
if I want to produce binaries I'll have to use three different
environments if I want to cater for all glibc variations. Now that
RH7/glibc2.2 is gaining acceptance that'll be four:


If you add to that the fact that a typical embedded application shouldn't
be using much more than the stdio, string and socket functions and you see
that I'm reluctant to change over to a newer glibc, which will probably
take more space without offering much in exchange.


Head Development - Vuurwerk Internet (http://www.vuurwerk.nl/)
Brainbench MVP Unix Programming, twisted artist and Free Software idiot.

I need a mental stoma.

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