On Thu, 17 May 2001, David Douthitt wrote:

> > Why I never went anywhere with mine was mostly because I sent out several
> > e-mails to this list, and the lack of a response was almost deafening in
> > it's silence. If I recall, not even you commented David. I assumed that
> > people had weighed the concept and decided it wasn't worth the effort to
> > switch, so I moved onward.
> You said you get several questions a week :-)

Whoops! E-mails, 4am again, you understand. =)

I meant that to be in reference to my glibc 2.1 update efforts. My Kernel
2.4 efforts have been suddenly halted by a mysteriously sudden lack of an
autoconf.h file on my Linux system. I discovered that when I tried to
compile a 2.4.4 kernel, and I haven't had the time/opportunity to fix it

2 days until vacation, then I can write the Abuse Reporting HOWTO, an
adventure for GenCon that I got tricked into volunteering for, and fixing
my system to do some hardcore devel work. =)

> I hadn't realized you stopped development or whatever; I've been
> watching the Linux 2.4 development with interest.  I had originally

Again, glibc 2.1. Kernel 2.4.4 is on hold until I can pull autoconf.h out
of my tail and stick it on my compy again.

> thought that 2.4 would take another 100k or something the way glibc
> 2.1 did; when your versions of Linux 2.4 showed up under 500k that was
> very interesting.

They're not MUCH under 500k, and most of that is due to UPX, but the
pulling of the PCI Device Name Database seems to be key; apparently it's a
LOT larger than the 20K advertised in the help file.

George Metz
Commercial Routing Engineer

"We know what deterrence was with 'mutually assured destruction' during
the Cold War. But what is deterrence in information warfare?" -- Brigadier
General Douglas Richardson, USAF, Commander - Space Warfare Center

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