I must say.... I've been surprised at all the excitement over Linux
2.4.  I've noticed that all of you kernel wizards are scrambling to
get Linux 2.4 installed on LRP, while glibc 2.1 gets ignored.

To me, Linux 2.4 offers only this:

* Stateful firewalling

We don't see question after question on the LRP list asking about
stateful firewalling, nor are people banging down the doors looking
for 2.4.

Howver, we DO see constant questions about "Why do I get a SegFault in
this app from my full distribution?" and we have a FAQ for it.  The
answer, of course, is "You don't have glibc 2.1 installed."

I hope no one thinks I'm criticizing - I just find that all the people
I respect are doing this and I don't know why - so I thought I'd ask.

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