Eric Spakman wrote:



There are at least three ways to deal with this:

1) Remove the references to these files from POSIXNESS.linuxrouter,
replacing them with references to the newer files (and likely get rid of
the mount.boot procedure entirely).

2) Create the files in linuxrc, using the first PKGPATH= device (instead
of the depricated boot= device).

3) Ignore the problem with manually adding packages once the system is
up and running.  :)

Any preference?

My preference would be option 1, although option 3 also appeals to me :)

:) OK, then it's not a linuxrc problem. Should I go ahead and make the mods to POSIXness? If so, are the Bering versions checked in to CVS anywhere (I've got the Dachstein versions in CVS).

Are there any differences between the Bering and the Bering-uClibc versions of POSIXness?

P.s. Any progression with the rewrite of linuxrc, need any help?

It looks like the linuxrc rewrite is pretty much done. I've made a minor tweak or two since the version I posted (removed /bin/bash from initrd.lrp to prevent conflicts when adding a real bash shell, and removed the code that leaves the CD-ROM mounted and creates the /lib/modules symlink from linuxrc).

The biggest help at this point would be for others to test the new linuxrc, make sure it works for them, and think about any other features that might need to be added to linuxrc or leaf.cfg.

Further work that looks like it needs to get done, but isn't really directly related to just linuxrc:

- Merge Dachstein and Bering modutils code. Bang commands from Dachstein are necessary (IMHO) for running cleanly off a CD-ROM, and I like the 'find' feature of the Bering modutils (as long as it's limited to searching only the current directory and below, rather than the whole root filesystem). Of course, the Bering development team might have a different view of this, and want to keep the current modutils.

- Add the /bin/bash -> /bin/ash symlink to root, or (optionally) create it in /linuxrc (or sometime prior to loading add-on packages, if package loading gets moved to init).

- Determine a mechanism for loading packages at init time, rather than in /linuxrc. There are a lot of options here, including adding a couple new rcS.d scripts, creating an entirely new runlevel (maybe rcL.d?) that runs before rcS.d, etc. I'm not sure there's a universal solution to this problem...since LEAF is based on a ramdisk that is populated at boot time, there's a natural conflict between wanting to mount additional devices 'normally' (ie /etc/fstab or similar), and needing to have some directories mounted prior to package installation, since we're rebuilding the entire filesystem every time we boot.

I think the package installation issue needs some discussion between the developers to determine what would work well, and the first two issues are minor enough to be ignored until one of the Bering branches switches to the new linuxrc code (I can work around these issues pretty easily for now, and convert to the 'real' Bering way of doing things once there's an official release).

Charles Steinkuehler

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