At 10:29 16.03.2004 -0600, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
>Erich Titl wrote:
>>>3) Ignore the problem with manually adding packages once the system is up and 
>>>running.  :)
>>or insert backuptype NONE if not specified at lrpkg -i  
>>I looked into linuxrc myself and found that it does not use lrpkg to install 
>>packages. It is not a big deal but to me this is not extremely consistent.
>linuxrc doesn't use lrpkg -i to install packages because at boot time the PKGPATH 
>variable is used to install packages from potentially multiple places.

It still iterates through all potential directories, this can be done with lrpkg just 
the same.

>The intent of lrpkg -i is to allow manual installation of a specific *.lrp package 
>file once the system is running.  While I could be convinced extending lrpkg to deal 
>with the PKGPATH setting would be worthwhile, I think this would mainly be of benifit 
>if package loading is broken into two (or more) steps, with only a limited number of 
>core packages being installed by linuxrc, with the rest being installed by an 
>/etc/init.d script.

I don't think lrpkg needs to be touched (well, not for that reason) 

                                gunzip -c $mnt/$f.lrp > /dev/null
                                if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                                        echo -n " $dev"
gunzip -c $mnt/$f.lrp | qt busybox tar -x

might as well be 

lrpkg -i $mnt/$f 

                                        #Update installed packages file
                                        [ $fnd -eq 0 ] && echo "$f">>$PFX/packages
                                        backdisk="$f=-t $t $dev"                       
                                        echo -n " $dev(cpt!)"

>Also note that I don't believe the POSIXness scripts (lrpkg included) are available 
>currently in the initial ramdisk, but are in root.lrp.

True, but then why. It certainly is not that big.


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