Hi Mike,

>> I didn't expect a storm of activity - but I (perhaps foolishly) expected
>> some sort of response. I'm not looking for a "good job, well done"
>> response - but some sort of feedback that somebody is actually giving
>> the latest developments a try would be helpful. Without any kind of
>> feedback whatsoever, it's very hard to justify spending one's spare time
>> on something nobody will use anyway.
> My comments on the new branch name were pending project name change, so
> I'll provide them now...
> Since LEAF is now a Framework, how about using wood types for branches?
>         Douglas Fir - a bare bones frame
>         Rosewood - polished but not necessarily robust
>         Ceder - infection resistant
>         etc.
My comment on the lack of response was not really geared towards the
naming issue. Sure, if we find a catchy name, that's great - but if
nobody uses it, and nobody contributes, what difference does it make? To
me, Open Source projects have always been about different people from
all walks of life and all kinds of backgrounds contributing to the
project. I don't see that with LEAF at the moment (and I'm not
discounting the people who have contributed in the past, and continue to
contribute - but if a project has to rely on a handful of people, what
happens when a few of those people decides he/she doesn't have the spare
time anymore?)

> Some of this is likely my fault. Since my accident, I haven't devoted as
> much time to LEAF as I did in the past. :-(
Maybe - but most likely not. You not being able to put in as many hours
as you did in the past has nothing to do with the fact that this project
never had a broad developer base. As long as I remember (and I've been
been around for a while), it's always been about individuals making the
difference. Dave in the beginning, then Matthew with Matterhorn and
Eiger (I also remember something called Kilimanjaro - but I don't
remember who created that), if I recall correctly, then Charles with
Eigerstein and Dachstein, then Jaques and Erik with Bering, then Eric,
kp and Luis with Bering uClibc (forgive me if I remembered something
incorrectly or if I forgot somebody - I'm going by memory here, so there
will undoubtedly be inaccuracies). I guess the back in the days of Koon
Wong's package archive, and Rick's c0wz site, we had what might me
called a broad community - but looking back, even that was mainly driven
by a few individuals.
I'm not sure what I'm trying to say - maybe that unless we manage to
build up more manpower, we'll always run into trouble when one of the
core developers decides it's time to move on and do something else (and
IMHO, there's nothing wrong with people seeking new challenges or just
getting bored with doing the same thing all the time - most of us have
to do tedious work during our days work, so I don't blame anybody for
not being willing to do the same kind of work for an extended period of
time in their spare time as well).

> I hope to update our website in the next couple of months. Maybe that
> will help invigorate community participation.
Maybe it will - but I doubt that the people who are mostly attracted by
a shiny webpage are what the project needs right now. Keeping the
webpage up to date is a worthy goal - but I don't think that the lack of
a re-furbished webpage is holding the project back (getting the LEAF
documentation set to build as a PDF again might help - but honestly, I
doubt it would make a difference with the issues we're (or maybe mainly
I am) discussing). It's not about lack of visibility or lack of
documentation - to me, it's about lack of participation, and people
tending to consume and expect their needs met, rather than actively
contributing. And again, by no means do I mean to discount all the
people who have (including you) actively contributed in all kinds of
ways. It just seems to me there are not enough people like that to keep
things going.
Or maybe it's just one of those Fridays, and I'm too pessimistic.



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