Thanks, I did already work around that one.  

I've been working with your 'stein diskettes for awhile 
now, and they are really starting to make sense.  

I'd hate to have to switch to another distro!  In fact, 
what I'm woring on now could probably be done easier 
with another diskette disto (oxygen?) but I'm just too 
damn comfortable with the 'steins to switch!


> > Strange about the 1680 size.  Maybe I changed that after
> > I downloaded it?  Oh well.  I would have, because I need
> > the space.
> >
> > SSHD - Nothing in any of the logs.  I've set this up on
> > a few PCs in the past w/o problems.  Maybe I'll copy the
> > file again.  I had another issue last week where it
> > turned out to be a corrupt tgz file.
> Make sure you changed the disk-size in syslinux.cfg.  The 1680 and 1722
> formats are quite similar (the 1722 just has 82 tracks, vs 80 for the 1680),
> so it would probably read OK, but if you don't change the syslinux.cfg boot=
> setting, writes will corrupt the disk.
> You can check your current value with "ls -l /dev/boot", which should be a
> symlink to /dev/fd0u1722 for a 1722K disk.
> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)

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