Well, to test the theory, I modified one of my port forwards and ran the 
"svi network ipfileter reload" and it indeed reloaded the filters 
correctly as viewed from the web applet. Thanks Eric/Ewald.
(Backup /etc for this).

So, I put the "svi network ipfilter reload" into the /etc/ppp/ip-up file 
at the end and just before the call to run parts from the ip-up.d 
(Backup ppp for this one).

Killing the pppd appears to restart a new version and re-run the filters. 
Also, a reboot appears to be no worse for the wear with this change. I 
will keep you informed the first time the ISP drops the connection such 
that it renegotiates the address without my intervention.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Tom Atwater wrote:

> --- Eric Wolzak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > David B. Cook wrote:
> > > >Does this mean that something placed in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d will 
> > > >automatically get run at that time to "fix" it?
> > Yes.
> > with rp-pppoe and with the 2.4 kernel pppoe it is both possible in 
> > /etc/ppp/ip-up or in the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ directory.
> I created a script named update_portfw_ip.sh, with the 2 lines
>    #!/bin/sh
>    /usr/sbin/svi network ipfilter reload
> in the directory /etc/ppp/ip-up.d , did chmod a+x,
> then reset the DSL signal.
> Didn't work.
> The portfw IP as given by `ipmasqadm portfw -nl` is still the old IP,
> and not the new one given by `ip addr show dev ppp0` .
> (It doesn't mater what the script is named does it?
> It automatically runs all scripts marked executable in
> that directory, correct?)
> > BTW if you have dynamically assigned internet addresses, the 
> > firewall could be assigned like that.
> > The portforwarding isn't affected by the external adress is it.
> > You're problem with an external connection is that you don't know 
> > the external adress after rebooting and so you cannot connect with 
> > your box.
> No, the external address is known, connection
> with the box is fine, problem is only that the 
> IP used by the port forwarding is incorrect.
> > put something like "mail me the new external ip" in ip-up.
> I am not sure how this helps -- you mean to do
> a manual update after I read my email?
> I can do that already by using the weblet to look
> at the viewnet page output.
> I want it to be automatic.
> Thanks for your help Eric,
> Tom
> =====
> Tom Atwater
> tomath2o.yahoo.com
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David B. Cook, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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