Jon Clausen wrote:
> > I put the draft at: so you guys
> > can get a preview. (Also it was a good opportunity to make some more html
> > and myself a homepage -my first...) I'll update it later today with the
> > above...
> O.k. done.
> Feedback welcome :)
> Jon

N1 Jon,

The answer to the remote thing would be to have a script
loaded on your remote laptop that, when run, determines the
laptop ip and writes a one line file containing:


to the laptop temp directory, and then uses scp or ssh or rsync 
to append that one line temp file to the LEAF box /etc/host.allow.

If the laptop is on a private network, then the script uses
the NAT gateway ip.  Determinig the NAT ip could get tricky, 
but can be done easily enough with a script that when called
makes traffic to somewhere that responds with the NAT ip.

I don't think it's necessary to use dyndns.

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