On Thursday 24 January 2002 17:09, Mike Noyes wrote:
> At 2002-01-24 12:52 +0100, Jon Clausen wrote:
> Jon,
> It looks nice, 

Thank you

> appreciate the effort required to author FAQs, and don't wish to discourage
> you from submitting them in the future. 

On the contrary. Seeing as this is my first html ever (well almost anyway) I 
made it pretty much 'monkey see, monkey do' (looking at the source for other 
pages), so I rather enjoy getting some directions on this. 

> First run tidy against the document. 

Right, I gotta get 'tidy' first, though. I'll look into that tonight.

> It should correct most of the old tags you're using.

This is kind of funny, cause I really haven't that faintest idea about html, 
in the first place... so being told that I'm using old tags :D
I mean, if I'd been doing html for years... oh well, maybe I should consult 
some resource somewhere...

> $ tidy -utf8 -m -f errorfile -asxml weblethowto-pub.html
> <i> is now <em>
> <b> is now <strong>
> <br> is now <br />

Specifically the <i> tag was really just something I entered thinking 'hmmm, 
this prolly won't work' and then, much to my surprise, it did... :)

> You can see the current problems with the document by going to the w3c.org
> site, putting in your Address:, and selecting Document Type: of XHTML 1.0
> Strict.
> http://validator.w3.org/

I'll check this later.

Thanks for the info.

More on this subject should maybe be a new thread like 'Documentation 
formatting' or something, don't you think?



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