What I have found is that 486 will handle a static or dynamic dsl line up to 1meg just fine.  But when using PPPoE I would recommend a Pentium at the bare minimum.  I am currently using a Cyrix 486DLC-40 with a PPPoE adsl line and it limits me to about 538kbps.  But when I put my 400 mhz Pentium II in as the router the download speed jumped to 1.2mbps.
Robert Chambers

Jeff Newmiller wrote:
On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, Stewart Adey wrote:

does anyone know the max transfer rate of a lrp box using 486DX/2
66@50 (as in an underclocked 66Mhz processor)

CPU clockrate is not normally the limiting factor for raw transfer
speed... card chipset and bus type (ISA/PCI) are more
important. Nevertheless, I can say that my ISA-based 486DX2-66 box with
NE2000-compatible cards handles my 384kbps static ADSL line just fine.

One case where I have found CPU clock rate to be important is running
PPPoE, and I estimated that a 486DX2-50 ought to be enough for a 350kbps
ADSL line, but a 386DX-40 was underpowered.

Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with
/Software/Emb edded Controllers) .OO#. .OO#. rocks...2k

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