
On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 13:07, Dave Anderson wrote:
> As part of setting up Bering, I want to be able to telnet to it from the
> localnet. Are the following steps sufficient?
> - open up port 23 in shorewall, from localnet to fw
> - make sure hosts.allow allows it
> - uncomment telnet for inetd
in my /etc/inetd.conf the last entry for telnet (which is the actual
daemon program, that inetd will start upon a connection to the telnet
port) is /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
the in.telnetd binary however is not included in the bering disk image.
And for a good reason. Telnet uses cleartext passwords and no encryption
whatsoever, making it useful mostly for crackers, that want to hijack
your system...

Consider using the ssh protocol instead (see openssh.org for info about
the open source implementation). there is also a LRP package available


the webpage of the bering developer, including straightforward
documentation on how to set it up for bering. The only thing to consider
is that the sshd-package is relatively big and might not fit on a single
floppy setup.

You could use telnet, if you find a lrp-package in one of the
collections (containing the telnetd binary), and you absolutely only
allow connections from your internal lan. However if for example a
windows machine in your LAN suddenly catches a trojan, this could mean
that a cracker is able to sniff your password and gets easy root access
to your bering router, so I would definitely not recommend it. Start
using ssh now, it does the same thing as telnet, yet it is a much more
secure solution (using encryption all the way).

There is also a small, but very useful (to windows users, that is,
others of course use the openssh-client) ssh-client for windows called
putty. (search for it with google, if you need it).

> - add ttyp0 to secure ports for root login
> - do I need a line in inittab to run a getty for ttyp0 ? If so, is the
> syntax the same as a tty0?
I don't think either is necessary as the logins will be handled by the
sshd/telnetd daemon program. (I know for sshd, which I use).

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