Hi Sebastiano,

> am I wrong or somebody recently wrote about a future Leaf branch called
> Can anybody give more details?
> I'm so curious....

  I'm the Project Manager of LINCE release. We are just awaiting to solve a 
couple of problems with our CVS area to upload the iso image.

  LINCE is just a Bering distribution on steroids oriented to a Compact Flash 
(or Hard Disk) system. Bering is just wonderful but it lacks some features a 
professional firewall might need. BTW, is based on glibc 2.2

  For example we have done already:

  1) Easy installation of Bering or LINCE from a CD installer (its provided 
as an iso image). All Bering packages in a convenient place (the iso). 
  2) Most popular ethernet adapters by default loaded
  3) HTB QoS trough htbinit
  4) SQUID 2.4Stable6 configured to run in memory
  5) SMTP Proxy for Antivirus (FPROT done), antirelay or antispam (this one 
not done yet)
  6) POP3 transparent proxy for antivirus (FPROT)
  7) Web filter content (IP, URL, words, MIME, PICS)
  8) IPSec with FreeSWAN

  We dont know if all this will be released at the first moment, or just in 
future releases (first we need to try to sell them to other people :))) but 
they will come, specially if this community helps us getting some of that 
functionality done.

  All his is already there (excep IPSec we are working now) and runs without 
the need for a hard disk. The project idea is "make a professional firewall 
with open software". All this features are not activated by default (dont 
activate anything you dont need) but they are installed in the Compact Flash 
for rapid deployment.

  Things we are planning to add in the near feature:

  1) Bridge functionality. Yes, this is done with Bering but we have never 
done it, need to learn how to do it.
  2) Proxy ARP - the same
  3) HTTP load balancer.- We are just awaiting somebody will pay us to do 
this :)
  4) SNORT, inline SNORT, high availability (heartbeat), ....

  I think its just a great project, so keep in touch !! If you want to see 
more details of the project in spanish you can go to:


  We plan to live from "improving this platform" (somebody will pay us to add 
some functionality), giving support, selling preassambled systems (you can 
see great pictures of the box in 
http://www.eneotecnologia.com/soho_fotos.html) and so on, well you get the 

  Thats all folks ! :) Regards.

BTW, we have to update to 1.0stable. Great jobs guys:) We were just using rc3 
with bugs solved.

Jaime Nebrera Herrera

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