I am attempting to use minicom. When I type minicom -s I get the following output:

"No termcap entry for linux."

Do I need to do something beyond lrpkg -i minicom? I have done this much configuration:

pr port /dev/ttyS0
pu baudrate 115200
pu minit

I tried pu baudrate 9600 since that's what my switch requires, but no difference.

I also have /etc/termcap-mini and /etc/mini which contain terminal encoding entries (I don't have ssh up yet to do easy cut/paste). What am I missing here?


guitarlynn wrote:
On Sunday 10 November 2002 22:42, Scott wrote:

I don't see the signifigance of the information on this page.  From
the page:

I'm sorry, but I still fail to see how the information at
http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/buconsole.html is going to
help me do this.  Will you please enlighten me?

Ummm.... not the buconsole page, the minicom application as Charles had suggested. Sorry, I should have noted this.

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