Wrigglesworth, Colin wrote:
Do you really mean it was working now has stopped? I haven't seen it work
yet on my Dachstein CD 1.0.2 so would be interested to know if you have had
it working. I thought my problem was Java related but maybe not.
well, I've seen it working on plenty of Dachtstein boxes (and the odd Matterhorn box as well) - so as far as I can tell, it _does_ work. And I guess Charles would have removed it from Dachstein, if it didn't work at all.

Since Weblet ran "out of the box" on the images I tried, I tend to agree with you that it indeed is a Java related problem on your browser - but lacking any info what it is (or isn't) doing, I could only speculate on what's happening.

The short version is, if the applet loads, but displayes "No data", it's likely a problem with your setup on Dachstein (the most common being settings in hosts.allow/hosts.deny and the firewall settings - check http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/hejl/troubleshooting.html for more info about troubleshooting that part).

If you don't even see the applet starting (but rather a some message about getting a plugin, or simply a gray window), it's likely an issue with the browser. The easiest to check that would be to go to a page that loads a java applet (for example, on
- there should be a small applet near the bottom of the page)
and see if it works there (if it does but the status monitor of weblet still doesn't work, please let me know - you might be the first to come across a new bug...)

I hope that helps.


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