S Mohan wrote:
While I'm not that aware of various options, I think a few modules are
mandatory or have to go with some packages. E.g. ipsec.o with
ipsec(509).lrp, bridge.o with bridge.lrp, netfilter with tc.lrp etc. I
was looking at this. In addition, 90-95% of the users would use a common
combination. Dial up connections use PPP over serial ports etc. Such
popular combinations can also be packaged to gether.

I rather favor a mechanism whereby package->module dependencies can be expressed in the package. Including kernel modules in .lrp's like ppp, pppoa or shorwall (just to name one) will yield nightmarish results when we try to introduce a new kernel version.

Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy
Shoreline, \ http://www.shorewall.net

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