Am 08.04.2016 09:47, schrieb Bob von Knobloch:
> On 08/04/16 11:29, Erich Titl wrote:
>> Did you copy the files on the LEAF box or did you use a CF adapter on
>> another linux system. In any case syslog should report something. The
>> symptoms you describe might point to a problem in file system handling
>> and this should not affect CF only.
>> cheers
> Hi Erich,
> I know you asked this question to John, but I have the same problem and
> will give you both my experience so far.
> I have tried:
> 1. a CF to PCMCIA adapter in a 12 year old laptop running 32bit OpenSUSE 11
> 2. a USB2 card reader on a 6 year old PC running OpenSUSE 12.2
> 3. a USB3 card reader on a new PC running OpenSUSE 42.1
> All with the same result: just 80MBytes transferred - then 'disk full'
> messages on the console (haven't yet checked syslog to see if different
> - will do tonight).
> The only success I have had so far is with a WindowsXP VM on system2
> above. This seems to address the card fully (Hmm - the laptop has an XP
> boot - I should maybe try that).

Mhhh... nasty, but getting filesystem full on on a mounted filesystem 
but not getting an error on dd copy to the same partition indicates a 
problem with the file system. What I did lately, as I only have virtual 
Linux systems with Virtualbox available, I started a Knoppix CD to write 
the partitions, filesystems and data to a USB attached CF adapter. I did 
not really pay attention to the Linux version of that Knoppix CD.



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