A big ask (for anyone coming in) - we have Pontus and Shaunessey injured, 
Cooper and Berardi (5th choice centre back) suspendedThat leaves us with the 
injury prone, inexperienced unproven Pennington as our only central defender 
!Add to that the fact that we will have low morale and a team that is used to 
losing and it is a tough task
The other side of that (and one we have faced a lot of times over the last few 
years) is the 'new manager bounce' where players who have been really poor and 
not trying suddenly put in 100% and really give it their all
Whatever happens in the next few weeks I still stick with my" he is a decent 
choice on paper ", young English , some success and some experience in the 
Division and therefore better than an unknown foreigner or an out of work 
Onwards and upwards - give him the rest of the season to at least keep us near 
the play-offs so we can pretend they are a possibility and then work out who to 
keep, who to disgard, and then tell Orta or whoever who or what type of player 
we want for which positions
DavePS I did read on twitter that we will have had more managers than any other 
league club over the last 10(?) years - 


A return to sensible no nonsense defending and a win on Satdi would be a good 

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