I would not change the "Of Cherokee" entries just because there was no county called "Of Cherokee." The "Of" means that the person lived there at some point, but whether she was born and/or died there was not known when the entry was made. For instance, you might find a person on a census record for a particular place, but have no source as to where she was born or died. For people whose actual place of birth or death is known, leave out the "Of." But if you take it out for across the board, it degrades the accuracy of the data.

There have been discussions before on trying to change the preposition in the location list. There doesn't seem to be a good way to do it. As to the question mark, it probably means that your mother did not have a source for that location, but thought it was right. Some people enter "Prob Cherokee," when there is some uncertainty about the location. I would not let the county verification tool or the location list take over your effort to have a reasonably accurate record.

Jill King wrote:
I have inherited my Mother's genealogy. I have transferred it from PAF to Legacy and have been working on cleaning it up. In the USA County Verification, I have 188 pgs. I find that most of the problems are: 1)She put "Of Cherokee, Iowa" or something similar in the location. There is no County called "Of Cherokee". How is the best way to change this? I notice there is the preposition that you can change in the Master Location List. Would I make a location titled Prep: Of and then put the location? I am concerned if I do this, when look at the person's data, I won't know if it means In Cherokee or Of Cherokee.

2) Other entries she put "Cherokee?, Iowa" There is not a County called "Cherokee?". I am assuming she meant "Did they come from Cherokee? Possibly, but not sure" Is there a better way to data input that so it won't be on the County Verification list?

I appreciate anyone's ideas so I can get this list to a manageable size to work with.

Jill King

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