There were many times when my family were going west on the wagon trains where parents died leaving children. My ancestors adopted and raised those children often they took the family name. THEY ARE FAMILY as far as I am concerned. I tag their biological parents if known as a second set of parents and show them as adopted.

I have cousins who are adopted and I love them like blood. Also the LDS Church is pushing adoptions - what is their official stand on it?

Sara Binkley Tarpley wrote:
So what would you suggest that I call reports and charts that show my
adopted child?  My child was abandoned shortly after birth by persons
unknown.  He is my child through love and law.  What would it say to
him, what would it do to him emotionally if I omit him from my family
in charts and reports?  The law treats him as my descendant.

I am not trying to be argumentative here.  This is a subject that
comes up on this and other lists not infrequently.  It is a serious
subject.  Loving adoptive parents refuse to hurt their children by not
showing them as such.  Some genealogists assert that said adoptive
parents are being deceptive by so showing them on charts.  So, since
it is unlikely that adoptive parents will change their practices, what
should we call our charts?   What about a chart that has 99.9% people
related by blood, and one person who is adopted?  Are you seriously
suggesting that instead of calling a chart "Descendants of John Q.
Ancestor" I call it "Social Relationships of John Q. Ancestor"?  Will
I be deceptive if I call it "Family Relationships of John Q.
Ancestor?"  Of course, those I send such a report to won't know what
in blazes I am talking about.


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