
I run my virus scanner overnight since I am rather low on memory for all the 
applications I tend to have running during the day, and to do the scan at the 
same time really slows down my computer. In the worst instance it may also 
cause crashing if the memory runs out. It could be that you lost your files due 
to shortage of memory, although this is speculation on my part.

Unless you have a specific reason for running two versions of Legacy it is far 
better to only have one installed, partly for memory considerations but also to 
avoid confusion as to which one you are actually running and which back-ups are 
which - I know that they will be in different directories but it is still 
easily done.

I am sure Cathy does mean backing up the .usr files to CD, flash drive or 
whatever other means of back-up you may use. I also do the same btw.

Ron Ferguson


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> Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:03:44 +0000
> To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] re: Sudden Shutdown
> Thanks - I think that McAfee deleted my .usr files as I could find .usr
> files in C:\Legacy and C:\Program Files\Legacy too. I tried using
> older ones, but it had lost data so I then opened Legacy with the 2006
> .usr files restored and then opened my most recent backup and now it all
> looks fine. McAfee 'says' it only deleted cookies and the missing
> .usr files were not in quarantine.
> However, as I have copies of Legacy (Deluxe) in both C:\Legacy and in
> C:\Program Files\Legacy, what is the best way of dealing with that,
> please? Should I move all of one set to the other place, or delete one
> set? I am using Windows XP not Vista. I get regular updates from
> Legacy and am using Version - they presumably all go in the
> same place.
> Your comment about backing up the .usr files, do you mean storing them
> on the CD when I backup Legacy and the Multimedia files? I have never
> done that.
> Elizabeth
> Cathy wrote:
>> Hi Elizabeth,
>> This doesn't normally happen with any form of scan on a computer but
>> every now and again one of the AntiMalware softwares get false
>> positives and it sounds like whatever was scanning took exception to
>> something in the Legacy files.
>> Closing Legacy by right clicking on it when it's minimised to the Task
>> Bar is no problem. I do it all the time.
>> It sounds like you've lost all your .usr files and they've all
>> reverted to the defaults.
>> The fonts etc that you are referring to aren't held within the .fdb
>> file. That only has your data so going to a backup of your Family File
>> won't return the fonts etc.
>> You have to re choose your options in Options> Customise and
>> everywhere else - unless you can see that whatever was scanning has
>> quarantined the files somewhere and you can release them.
>> Another possibility is that you've got two installations of Legacy on
>> your computer and you've opened a different one. If you installed
>> Legacy into Program Files, take a look to see whether you also have a
>> C:\Legacy folder. That's the default location but many of us install
>> to Program Files - though I understand things are different with
>> Vista. If you are using Vista and you installed to the Program Files
>> folder, then I think the .usr files etc get put in some virtual store
>> or something? Sorry. I don't have Vista but know that programs aren't
>> allowed to write to the Program folders after installation. There's
>> information on the Legacy web pages on how to properly install Legacy
>> to run under Vista.
>> Are you a Deluxe user? Have you also lost access to the Deluxe
>> features? If so, you'll need to re-enter your Customer Number as well.
>> For another occasion: I include the .usr files in my regular computer
>> backup so that I can restore them if/when necessary.
>> Cheers,
>> Cathy
>> At 07:55 AM 16/02/2008, you wrote:
>>> Earlier today when my computer was doing a regular scan Legacy
>>> suddenly stopped responding and shut down. I wasn't using the
>>> program at the time and had tried to close it by right-clicking the
>>> icon on the bar at the bottom of my computer screen. I re-started
>>> the computer and tried to open Legacy again. It asked me which file
>>> to open and found the Master.fdb file that I use but when it opened,
>>> all the fonts had changed to the default and other minor things were
>>> different. I then closed that and opened up one of my backup copies
>>> but the file still looks different.
>>> I am normally elsewhere on a Friday morning which is why the routine
>>> scan takes place then but today I was at my computer. Should I have
>>> stopped the scan working while I was using the computer?
>>> Can anyone explain why this happened and should I do anything to stop
>>> it happening again?
>>> Elizabeth
>>> I forgot to add that when I open Legacy since it shut down, I get the
>>> Welcome to Legacy 6 tips window and then the offer to Order a Legacy
>>> Manual. My information appears to be fine but why has this happened,
>>> please?
>>> Elizabeth

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