Cary Jay Vaughn wrote
In family view, the mother shown above is incorrect. I know he is linked to the correct parents because I can hover my mouse over the little "mother/father" icon and the correct parents appear. The mother just doesn't appear above making it look like his mother is someone other than who it actually is.

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that John married Susan and Henry was born; then John married Mary; in Family view with parents showing John and Mary you are seeing Henry as a child? (Made-up names.) Is that correct?

If that is so, it would appear that you have "Show half-children" switched on. And if that *is* so, you can right-click on the child, select View, and uncheck Show 1/2 Kids.

If I have got this wrong, could you tell us exactly what you see on the two Family Views - the one with the child's actual parents and the one where the wrong Mother is showing. It would be helpful if you could explain who married whom and who the child was using names as in my example above. (You needn't use the real names if you don't wish to.)
Jenny M Benson

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