I believe you have a duplicate person entered in your file. Only you can figure 
out who is the culprit(s), but this will help you find them.
Display RINs on your names.
You described hovering over the the mother/father icon. Click that icon to get 
the name & RIN of the correct parents. I bet if you then look at the Family 
View that is giving you grief, you'll find someone has the same name & 
different RIN, indicating a duplicate.
You'll want to 
unlink and merge or 
unlink and delete  
your call based on information you entered for the culprit(s). Just be sure to 
unlink first. I have to jot the RINs down too to keep everyone straight. I had 
one family so convoluted that I printed (created a file) individual and family 
reports, then unlinked, deleted, & reentered information.
One way to avoid this is to always check to see if the person you are entering 
in your database is already there. When entering any new person, I suggest you 
use the option "Link to an existing" person, daughter, son whatever.
That option takes you to the Name List to see if that person is already in your 
database. (Note the Name List has 6 tabs on the right hand side with probably 
enough info to make a decision.) If so, Link selecting from the name list. If 
not, close the name list and add "New" person, daughter, son whatever.
I hope this will do the trick. 
Legacy has a check for duplicates. Under Tools and Merge. Please read about 
this before using this tool. Thoroughly look through your database so you have 
confidence that Legacy is properly representing your research. Others may have 
more & better suggestions for a thorough search to build your confidence.

Regards, Jane Tripp
To show RINs
Select Options from the top toolbar
Select Customize
Select the View tab
Select to display RINs on both Name List and Family View

I you decide to print reports, I suggest you add RINs and MRINs to the reports.
Report Options
Include tab
Look in the lower left corner for RIN & MRIN

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Cary Jay Vaughn 
  Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Family View Biological Parent Not Showing

  Yes. I think you understand my dilemma/issue. Not to belabor the point, but I 
don't understand why this isn't an issue for others. I thought exactly the same 
thing as you have suggested. Consequently, I unlinked the parents and 
  relinked them to the correct ones. Still the same problem. Here is what I see:
  In family view, the mother shown above is incorrect. I know he is linked to 
the correct parents because I can hover my mouse over the little 
"mother/father" icon and the correct parents appear. The mother just doesn't 
appear above making it look like his mother is someone other than who it 
actually is.

  I think the computer ought to know this because the mother who is shown above 
(on top) is not connected to him in any way. When I am viewing his "family 
view" screen, there is no reason for this other woman ("parent") to appear at 
all. I mark a person as preferred because when I am viewing an 
  individual, that is the preferred SPOUSE. This should not be a factor in 
seeing one's real PARENT.

  I think that whenever I am in family view, I will always have to have the 
question in my mind of whether I am viewing the actual parents?! I don't 
remember this being an issue in version 6 or maybe I just didn't notice.

  Thanks for all your responses.

  From: "Trippsibs5" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 4:48 PM
  To: <>
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Family View Biological Parent Not Showing

  I want to take one step back here and make sure you added the child to the 
correct parents. In Family View, if the child is showing up with your preferred 
mother and not the father you want, then the child was entered with the 
incorrect couple in the Family View. (correct mother, incorrect
  If this is the case, you can unlink the child from parents, go to Family 
View, scroll through the spouses until you have the correct biological mother & 
father on the screen, then add the child as a 'Link to an existing' son or 
  This may not be the case, but your comment about the parent having nothing to 
do at all with the child made me think that just maybe the child was showing on 
the Family View as a child of the 'non-preferred' father and not the biological 

  Regards, Jane Tripp

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