Must be your computer. I checked my settings, sent messages to friends and
all says Plain Text. I have never had a complaint from the list that I send
in HTML.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Mike Fry <> wrote:

> marilyn E B wrote:
>> I belong to several/many RootsWeb lists and have little problem with spam
>> or spammers. For that try the Grouply Group on Yahoo. That means do not get
>> involved with Grouply.
> I wouldn't touch that with a barge-pole!
>  At least on RootsWeb they only send reminders to try not to use HTML and
>> not a bunch of nasty letters if someone forgets. I do not use HTML as that
>> was the first thing I learned years ago on RootsWeb.
> Then why was your message in HTML :-)
>  RootsWeb has had a few problems with servers this year but then so have
>> we. I would be most interested in knowing who the list administrator is for
>> the RootsWeb Legacy List. That can make or break a list.
>> I actually enjoy this list but the tone from some does often turn me off -
>> naysayers are not good examples for any group.
> When you know who they are, filter 'em out. Don't listen to 'em!
>  Maybe joining both would be the way to go.
> Stay where the experts stay!
> --
> Regards,
> Mike Fry
> Johannesburg.
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages:
> Online technical support:
> To unsubscribe:

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of
these is roots, the other, wings.

-Hodding Carter

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