Kay Fordham wrote:

I tried the IGI Search option for the first time today.

o The Help File states "If you are using this feature for the first time, or if you are on a public computer . . . , the FamilySearch Account Settings screen appears." It does not appear.

In several years of using Legacy and accessing the IGI, this has NEVER appeared for me! Using Win2000 & Vista version

o The Help File for the FamilySearch Account Settings states it is reached by choosing Options > FamilySearch Account Settings from the IGI Search screen. Clicking Options results only in a pop-up box with the option of ticking or unticking "assign sources when saving changes."

o I'm able to perform a successful search; however, the "View Matches" box is grayed out, likely because I have no account.

Never seen that except whilst the process is retrieving details, and then only until all details have been retrieved (if less than 10) or 10 details have been retrieved.

What am I doing wrong?

So far as I know... Nothing! It is NOT required that you sign up to access the IGI. I have ALWAYS been able to make searches and have NEVER had an account.

Mike Fry

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