Barbara wrote
I'm ashamed to asked this question, but have to.  How do I merge a Legacy file saved to my "C:" drive with an actual Legacy file?  Somehow I did not backup my file to a Legacy file under the Legacy icon.  It was backed up to my "C:" . 
Then the next question is how do I back up each time to both my the Legacy icon file and then backup to my C: so I have it in both places.

I don't understand what you mean by "under the Legacy icon." When you create a backup file it will *usually* be saved to your C:\ drive, and that is where your Legacy program and your current Family file is *usually* saved. On what drive is your current Family File?

You appear to be saying you want to merge a backup file into your current Family File? If that is so, why? You don't usually need to do anything with a backup unless something goes wrong with your current file, in which case it is usual to revert to the backup copy, *not* merge the backup into the current file.

When you backup your Family File you are given the option to "Select Name and Location ...". You can back up as often as you want to as many different locations as you want.

Ah ... it just occurs to me that you might be thinking you need to SAVE your current file each time you exit, separately to creating a backup copy. This is not so - the data is saved "on the fly", as you press Save on each screen. There is purpose served by saving again when you exit the program, only to create a backup file for use in case your current file becomes corrupted.
Jenny M Benson

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