On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 19:53:02 -0500, "Barbara" <bschwart...@twcny.rr.com>

>I thought I had to back up 
>each time, not realizing that Legacy zip file kept the records without 
>"backing up".

You should backup each time. Either use File > Backup Family File
whenever you feel the need to backup, or follow the backup prompt that
Legacy provides when you exit the program. Legacy updates your database
as you enter data, but you still need to back things up to protect
against a disaster.

My backup strategy:

1) I create at least one backup each day I do any updates to my
   database. I name each backup yyyymmdd.zip (I have only one family
   file) and place it in its own folder in My Documents. Once a month I
   delete all but the latest backup.

2) I copy My Documents to an external hard drive on a weekly basis,
   appending yyyymmdd to the name of the My Documents folder on the
   external hard drive. When the external hard drive nears capacity I
   delete some of the older copies of My Documents.

3) I copy the latest Legacy backup to a private folder on my website
   once a week. This behaves like an "off site" backup.

Others have their own backup strategies. How you do it and how often you
do it depends on how valuable you consider your data. If you only have
250 individuals in your database, my method might be overkill. But as
the number of individuals grows, you need to consider the work it would
take to re-enter your data if disaster strikes.

You might also try testing a backup every once in a while to make sure
you are doing things properly. You do this using File > Restore Family
File. Give it a different name (like "testrestore.fdb") when prompted.
Then verify it contains what it is supposed to ... maybe look at the
number of individuals in the database to see if it matches the source

You will also find some backup tips at

Dennis Kowallek (LTools)

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