
Are you using dated 13 Mar 2009? The problem with the Descendant View showing only one spouse was reported in Jan 2009 and Dave indicated he had fixed it to always show all spouses, that fix should have been included in the 13 Mar update.

If that is not working then I will need to reopen the problem report. When I tested it using the sample file both spouses for Eleanor Huffmann and for Asa Clark Brown showed in the Descendant View for me. It also worked correctly in my own personal file for three people with multiple marriages I checked.

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CE WOOD wrote:
I have a person who married twice and had children by each marriage. When I go to the Descendant View, only the descendants of the spouse who was on the Family View are listed. I want to see all that person's descendants on the Descendant View, but I am not able to. I have to go back to Family View and switch spouses in order to see those descendants. So what I am really seeing on the Descendant View are the descendants of that particular marriage rather than her descendants. Is there a way to see the descendants of the person rather than only the descendants of one particular marriage? Carolyn

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