On 31 Jan 2010  Alan Jones wrote:

> it is my understanding that Legacy has never liked the word County in
> there.  I came from a program that actually suggested putting Co. at the
> end of every county and I really liked that as it was more specific.
> I wish Legacy was nicer about that.

Legacy by default is programmed to not have "County" or "Co." in the field
where users write the county name for USA locations.  However this is a user-
selectable item and Millennia has provided a way, albeit not obvious, for users
that wish otherwise to have their choice.

I have arranged Legacy to function with " Co." after county names and have
absolutely no problems running Legacy this way.

To get this feature and change the default it is necessary to make a copy of
Legacy's GeoExtraCodes.txt file and name it to GeoExtraCodes-Alt.txt   Then
edit that Alt file in a text editor (e.g. NotePad), following the instructions
at the beginning of the file, to obtain the choice you'd like.

There are messages in the archives detailing this procedure, or if you wish,
get back here for further details.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada.

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