I'm one of those that also subscribe to the concept of using the word County in the appropriate position. I figured I had to add more definitive info to the location when I once tried typing in this: "Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma". You think us Yanks have a problem with all the "Shires" in England but imagine how that would confuse anyone from across the pond.
I also find that FamilySeach.org (the LDS Church) and their 1880 census transcription use a particular confusing form of providing locations. For example, take this theoretical location, "Liberty, Liberty, Iowa". Now, is that the town of Liberty in Liberty county or is it a rural location in Liberty Township of Liberty County. There is no way of knowing for sure and I find myself constantly checking maps to see if such a town as Liberty would actually exist. I may end up using a location description of "Liberty Township, Liberty County, Iowa". Brian in CA > -----Original Message----- > From: Brian Beddor [mailto:bbed...@japsolson.com] > Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 5:41 AM > To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com > Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Master Location List 7.4 > > Hi Dave, > My impression from a Legacy video is that it would be: > Alicia, Lawrence, Arkansas, United States – without the word “County”. > However, if you don’t have anything in the first position, then one > adds the word “County” so as to avoid confusion. So, if one doesn’t > know the city it would be: > , Lawrence County, Arkansas, United States – note there is still the > leading comma for a place-holder. > > I don’t know if this has changed or if it will help or hurt in Legacy > 7.4. > > Brian (the other Brian) > > > > > From: Pat Patton [mailto:davesgeneal...@hotmail.com] > Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:55 PM > To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com > Subject: [LegacyUG] Master Location List 7.4 > > I have completed the recommended changes to my Master Location List (as > described by Geoff) but I still have the following comma-delimited > string question(s): > > Example: Alicia, Lawrence County, Arkansas, United States > > Questions: 1) Should "County" be removed from "Lawrence County"? > i.e. Alicia, Lawrence, Arkansas, United States > 2) Will this help or hinder Legacy 7.4 Geo-Code > efforts? > > Dave Legacy User Group guidelines: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Etiquette.asp Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009: http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com/ Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009: http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergr...@legacyfamilytree.com/ Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp