Jenny M Benson wrote:

"I am curious as to why you are using a database template when your Source is 
online images.

I don't have access to the Ancestry records to which you refer, but I
think I would use the Marriage records>Found in Governmental
records>Marriage registers>Created at State/Provincial level/Online images 
template (or something similar if that isn't an exact match) and add the 
further detail - where known - at Source Detail level.

This is how I approach very similar English records with images on
Ancestry.  Where the Source details are incomplete (or incorrect, as
sometimes happens with Ancestry!) I note this in the Source Detail


Ordinarily, I do as you suggest, but these particular Missouri marriages are a 
complete "hodge podge" of images.  For some counties, the images are almost 
impossible to read, so my information is coming more from the database than the 
image.  In other locations, it is impossible to determine the volume and page 
number (and as a result, it is the database, not the images, that is telling me 
the marriage occurred in  XYZ county).  In still others, I can't tell for sure 
whether it is a register or some other format.

I therefore decided it was safer to cite the database than the image.  I can't 
remember my exact reasoning at the time but it was probably some combination of 
the following:  (1) This alerts me that I need to do more to find the original 
record than I might ordinarily do with other images. (2) I'm a "lumper" to the 
extent possible, and I didn't want to have a separate Master Source for each 
county.  I just wanted one master source:  "Missouri Marriage Records, 
1805-2002." (3) I must not have liked how the citation looked when I used the 
marriage template.


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