Elizabeth wrote
>Can I revert to the original query regarding locations please?  I have
>deleted the GeoLocation database as I was finding it annoying (the vast
>marjority of my locations are in Europe).  However, when I try to tidy
>the list, I still see references to the short location list and I'd
>like to edit this.  However, I can't find where it is to edit it or
>remove it altogether.  Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?

There is no Short Location List as such - or if there is I've never
found it.

When you have the Master Location List open and click on Edit for any of
the Locations there are two fields for the Location, the "standard"
version and the Short Name for that Location.

If you just click your way down the list of Locations you will see the
Short Name appear underneath the list so you can stop and Edit as
Jenny M Benson

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