Thanks all, good stuff so far.

Richard - Why no source, every story would have at least a personal
reference, even if that is you, right?

Dawn - I have not heard of TheJournal, but will check it out.

Rita - Yes, Note is obvious, but some cons is that all notes are
contained there with a big long string of source citation references.
My thinking this may not be as clean as I'd like.  Of course, using
Events may have cons as well, for instance I'd probably only want
these special events to show on narrative reports, not FGS.  I'll have
to play with both ideas and see.

Jenny - I don't understand "because one might have numerous notes,
each with a different Source, I
indicate briefly alongside the note which one is relevant" means.
Which one *what* is relevant?  Isn't that what the superscript source
citations numbers do, tell you which source is relevant?

Lional & Dawn - What does "make the narrative less bitty" mean?  I am
thinking one would want this sort of writeup to be included in the
narrative of the report *somewhere*, and not buried in the source
citations.  I also have these sorts of stories to include, and have
not found a way to include them.  Attaching as events to individuals
does not sound right to me.  In the publishing center, there is an
option to include a custom text page (not sure what it's called
exactly, it's not in front of me right now).  That might work for
this, but could only be included *between* reports and not embedded
within say a descendant narrative.

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